Cathartic Breathwork is Healing the Relationship you have with Yourself using the Innate Wisdom and Medicine you hold within.

It is a process of trauma-informed talk therapy combined with connected mouth breathing, somatic bodywork, energy medicine and sound.

This is grounded somatic healing on a cellular level. It is not about “getting rid” of anything. Rather, it is understanding our energy and working with it. . It is approached with the intention of working WITH all parts of yourself and deepening an accepting relationship of who you are and all the parts that make you, uniquely you.

Accessing the unconscious mind through the power of breath sees you letting go the falsity of control and surrendering into the empowered true self. It is an experience of trust, with yourself and that of non-judgmental acceptance of exactly where you are at. The Empowered self allows you to step away from living your life in a state of survival and into living it from a genuine place of empowerment, safety and knowing.

This work is not a one hit wonder. We work with years of conditioning, beliefs and generational trauma and there is a requirement of patience that is necessary in the undoing. It is a deep understanding of what healing is in it’s purest form is. It’s not about becoming more of anything. It is awareness, releasing, and integrating a true knowing that without the mask and story, you, as you are right now, have always will be enough. The story and beliefs that anchor us away from our empowered selves were a way of surviving the experiences we were unable to make sense of. The stepping into releasing ourselves from these binds is where the transformation and root cause healing takes place.



I speak with all client’s before working with them to ensure this work will allow them to reach their expected outcomes


This is choosing the path of Radical Responsibility and Ownership of your Own Healing and ultimately your life. It is a grounded, safe and empowering way of healing resulting in you finding answers to the deepest questions you are asking. It is walking the path of discovery and acceptance of all parts of you and a returning home to your most authentic self.


I hold regular Group Cathartic Breathwork sessions at my private room in Berkeley Vale on the NSW Central Coast.

I am also available to facilitate a session for a pre-arranged group you may have.

If you would like to hold a group session on your retreat, I am also available.